Saturday, August 23, 2008

Aw, shucks!

You all are making me blush.

Can I just tell you that I am amazed that there are people, other than my parents and in-laws, who actually read this blog on a regular basis (or at least check it regularly... kinda hard to read when I haven't been writing much) much less bother to email me and tell me that they miss me? (And want to hear my opinions on things political and religious. Really?) You're all so sweet.

I am actually missing writing here. I need the creative, goofy, ranting outlet. And you would think that I would have had plenty of time to hang out online and write and post considering that I have been basically house-bound all summer. I'll spare you all the gory details, but the long and the short of it is that after spending enough $$ to have replaced the engine in our Suburban trying to keep it running, we now more-than-likely need a new engine and don't have the money because, well, we spent it all on periphery things that apparently meant diddly-squat since the engine is no basically no good. Sigh. Two friends have graciously lent us cars, but I feel bad putting tons of miles and wear-and-tear on someone else's car, so I've been limiting my driving to what is absolutely necessary. Hopefully, soon we'll be able to get our truck fixed (or at least determine once and for all if it's even worth it or if we should start looking for a "new" vehicle). The up-side is that we've really saved on gas this summer.

Ironically, I have been finding more "me", thinking, creative time now that my life has gotten much, much busier. I am in the editing phase for the two books I've written in the last year. The target date for the first book to be released is April 2009. Send prayers, good vibes, good thoughts, what have you because I have never done this type of editing before and am finding it a bit overwhelming. I have also started watching two great kids during the day. The oldest is 2 and his little sister is 5 months. They are great kids (did I say that already?) and the 2yo and Quarto play together really well which has actually helped the older kids and I get more focused school done during the day. I just don't do well self-disciplining my time when too much of it is "free", so having all of these obligations really helps keep me organized and on my toes because I have to be.

I guess that's a good, relatively short summary of why I haven't posted anything in almost a month. *grin* Hopefully, I'll post more frequently as summer ends and fall begins.

Thanks for your encouragement and support. I really am astounded at the interest at my thoughts, rantings, and random musings. Who knew?



Dawn E said...

Glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

How delightful to see you writing again! Hope to see more of it! :)


Jenn said...

Your blog is wonderful. I am rather new to blogging. Right now, a lot of the moms who visit my site have toddler's...that is b/c the friend who got me interested in blogging is in that stage with toddlers, and a lot of her friends are visiting my blog. ; )

I would like to connect more with homeschooling moms who have children close to the same age as mine. What ages are your younger children? I have a 10 and 11 yr old. Last yr was the first yr we homeschooled...let's just say we were all on a learning curve! lol.

Hope you will stop buy my blog sometime, and I will add you to my reads. Blessings! Jenn

Anonymous said...

yea .. an update .. lol :)

Henry Cate said...

Sorry to hear about the engine. That is the pits.

Look forward to more entries.

Brittney said...

Yeah!!! I am so glad to see you are posting regularly again! I love reading your blog! :0) Good luck with the editing!