Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Coming Soon: Carnival of Homeschooling

Carnival of Homeschooling

Next Tuesday, the Carnival of Homeschooling will stop here at Apollos Academy. If you would like an entry included in the carnival, follow the instructions here. Whether or not you can contribute a post this week, please make sure to stop by here next Tuesday and visit the carnival... and don't forget to bring your cotton candy!


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dissertation writing said...

the Carnival of Homeschooling will stop here at Apollos Academy. If you would like an entry included

mackierin said...

Your post is very informative! I completely agree that homeschooling is often the primary source of education for kids, where they can learn the most in a personalized environment. In fact, I’ve been using take my class online to manage my own studies, and it’s a great way to keep up with schoolwork when things get busy. Thanks for sharing such valuable insights!