Wednesday, May 16, 2007


1. "Finish" the school year to state-mandated guidelines (still haven't met mine yet)... Check!

2. Set-up homeschooling backpack so we can continue basics while in moving mode... Check!

3. Hold first moving sale... Check!

4. Have girls' portfolios evaluated... Check!

5. Take 8 bags of clothes and one box of shoes and boots to the Salvation Army... Check!

6. Pass along 4 more bags of clothes to friends with kids who can use them... Check!

7. Drop portfolios off for school district review... Check!

8. Take all DVDs out of their boxes and put into DVD binders (thus freeing-up about 10 feet of shelf space)... Check!

9. Pack-up school room library, children's library, and adult library (about 1000 books)... Check!

10. Go to homeschool convention and buy even more books to pack... Check!

11. Post message on blog so my friends and family know that I am still alive... Check!


andie said...

I was going to post on the boards to see how you were faring...sounds like it's going well!

Excellent choice, buying more books to pack. It's mine every time, so it *must* be good. ;)

Heather in WI said...

Oh, I keep forgetting that you are in the middle of a huge move.

I came over to tag you for Eight Things About Me. Obviously you have more important things going on.... participation is entirely optional! :-)