Monday, March 13, 2006

Testing Day

Well, on Saturday morning Primo sat for her state-required achievement test... and she did beautifully! Some of you already know that Primo had sat for a test in the Fall, but that the results were much lower than we had expected. I decided (at the last minute so as not to lose my title "Queen of Procrastination") to have her try a different test to see if test style was a factor. I have never done well on standardized tests and did much better on the ACTs than the SATs, so I know that test style compatibility can be a big factor. The second test went much better.

"Mommy Brag" Alert!

Here are her results if you're interested:

Reading: 8th grade level

Spelling: mid-5th grade

Math: mid-3rd grade level

(Primo is in 3rd grade)

Primo has really struggled in math, and the first test she took really shook her confidence, but now she is testing exactly where she is in the book, and she couldn't be more proud... and neither could we.

Way to go, Primo!

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